Ming Xue
Weathernews Chair Professor, School of Meteorology
Director, Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
University of Oklahoma
National Weather Center, Suite 2500
120 David Boren Blvd
Norman OK 73072
E-mail: mxue@ou.edu
Ming Xue obtained his B.Sc. in Meteorology from Nanjing
University (China) in 1984. He was awarded the British Council Technical
Cooperation Award to study at University of Reading, England for advanced
degrees. He obtained his Ph.D. in meteorology from Reading University
in 1989 under the supervision of Prof. Alan Thorpe.
He joined Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
(CAPS), University of Oklahoma in 1989 as a post-doctoral fellow in
1989 and became a senior research scientist in 1993. Dr. Xue is the
principal architect of the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS),
a comprehensive multi-scale research and NWP model. He was the director
of the model development project of CAPS from 1994 to 2001 and was
responsible for the overall planning, design, testing, and module
integration of the model. The model won the Discover Magazine Award
for Technology Innovation (computer software category) in 1997 and
the Computerworld Smithsonian Award (science category) in the same
year. The model is being used by researchers and governmental agencies
of more than 25 countries for applications ranging from basic research
to operational numerical weather prediction. Over more recent years, he has developed with his graduate students the ensemble data assimilation system for the ARPS and has contributed to the development of the ARPS 3DVAR system. He is the Analysis and Prediction Thrust leader, Associate Director and the University of Oklahoma PI of the NSF Engineering Research Center (ERC) for Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere (CASA). Dr. Xue is currently
a professor of School of Meteorology and
Director of CAPS.
He has over ten active research grants currently, with the majority from the National Science Foundation.
Dr. Xue's main research interests involve the development
of advanced numerical modeling and data assimilation systems, numerical weather prediction, high-performance computing, simulation and prediction
of mesoscale and convective scale systems, mesoscale and storm-scale
dynamics, tornado dynamics, data assimilation and predictability, and variational
and ensemble Kalman filter techniques for assimilating radar data.
Dr. Xue supervises over 10 graduate students
and post-doctoral scientists. He is actively involved in the development
of the next generation Weather and Forecast Model of the US and serves on the WRF Research Applications Board.
He regularly serves as the reviewers of many scientific journals and of proposals of national funding agencies. He has
authored and co-authored close to 200 referred journal articles and even more conference papers. The courses he taught include graduate-level
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Objective Analysis and Data Assimilation,
undergraduate level Physical Mechanics and Mesoscale Meteorology.
My Full CV as of October 2024
Refreed Publications
My Researcher ID Information
My Google Scholar Page
My ResearchGate Site
1990-1999 | 2000-2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010
| 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025
Conference Publications
Thesis and Dissertations of Students Advised
Dissertation and Reports
Xue, M. and A. J. Thorpe,
1991 : A mesoscale numerical model using the nonhydrostatic sigma-coordinate
equations: Model experiments with dry mountain flows, Mon.
Wea Rev., 119, 1168-1185.
Droegemeier, K.K., M. Xue, K. Johnson, K. Mills,
and M. O'Keefe, 1993: Experiences with the scalable- parallel
ARPS cloud/mesoscale prediction model on massively parallel and
workstation cluster architectures. Parallel Supercomputing
in Atmospheric Science, G.R. Hoffinan and T. Kauranne, Eds.,
World Scientific, 99-129.
Droegemeier, K.K., M. Xue, K. Johnson, M. O'Keefe,
A. Sawdey, G. Sabot, S. Wholey, N.T. Lin, and K. Mills, 1995:
Weather prediction: A scalable storm-scale model. In High Performance
Computing, G. Sabot (Ed.), Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts,
Sathye, A., G. Bassett, K. Droegemeier, and M.
Xue, 1995: Towards operational severe weather prediction using
massively parallel processing, High Performance Computing.
Tata McGraw Hill, New Dehli, India.
Sathye, A., G. Bassett, K. Droegemeier, M. Xue,
and K. Brewster, 1996: Experiences using high performance computing
for operational storm scale weather prediction, In: Concurrency:
Practice and Experience, special issue on Commercial and industrial
Applications on High Performance Computing. John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd., 731-740.
Xue, M.,
2000: Density currents in two-layer shear flows. Quart. J.
Roy. Met. Soc., 126, 1301-1320.
Xue, M.,
2000: High-order monotonic numerical diffusion and smoothing,
Mon. Wea. Rev. 128, 2853-2864.
Xue, M.,
K. K. Droegemeier, and V. Wong, 2000: The Advanced Regional
Prediction System (ARPS) - A multiscale nonhydrostatic atmospheric
simulation and prediction tool. Part I: Model dynamics and verification.
Meteor. Atmos. Physics. 75, 161-193.
Doyle, J. D., D.
R. Durran, B. A. Colle, C. Chen, M. Georgelin, V. Grubisic, W.
R. Hsu, C. Y. Huang, D. Landau, Y. L. Lin, G. S. Poulos, W.Y.Sun,
D. B. Weber, M. G. Wurtele, and M. Xue, 2000: An intercomparision
of model predicted wave breaking for the 11 January 1972 Boulder
Windstorm. Mon. Wea. Rev., 128, 901-914.
Xue, M., and S. J.
Lin, 2001: Numerical equivalence of advection in flux and
advective forms and quadratically conservative high-order advection
schemes. Mon. Wea. Rev., 129, 561-565.
Xue, M.,
K. K. Droegemeier, V. Wong, A. Shapiro, K. Brewster, F. Carr,
D. Weber, Y. Liu, and D.-H. Wang, 2001: The Advanced Regional
Prediction System (ARPS) - A multiscale nonhydrostatic atmospheric
simulation and prediction tool. Part II: Model physics and applications.
Meteor. Atmos. Physics. 76, 143-165.
Xue, M.,
2002: Density currents in shear flows: Effects of rigid lid and
cold-pool internal circulation, and application to squall line
dynamics. Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc., 128, 47-74.
P., D. Stensrud, and M. Xue, 2004: Effects of coarsely-resolved
and temporally-interpolated lateral boundary conditions on the
dispersion of limitted-area ensemble forecasts, Mon. Wea. Rev.,
132, 2358-2377.
P., M. Xue, and D. Stensrud, 2004: Application of lateral
boundary condition perturbations to help restore dispersion in
limited area ensemble forecasts. Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 2378-2390.
Ren, D. and
M. Xue, 2004: An improved force-restore model for land-surface
modeling, J. App. Meteor., 43, 1768-1782.
Tong, M.
and M. Xue, 2005: Ensemble Kalman filter assimilation
of Doppler radar data with a compressible nonhydrostatic
model: OSSE Experiments. Mon. Wea. Rev., 133, 1789-1807.
Xiao, Y., M.
Xue, W. J. Martin, and J. Gao, 2005: Development of an adjoint
for a complex atmospheric model, the ARPS, using TAF. In Automatic
Differentiation: Applications, Theory, and Implementations, H.
M. Bücker, G. F. Corliss, P. Hovland, U. Naumann, and B.
Norris, Eds., Springer, 263-272.
K. K., K. Brewster, M. Xue, D. Weber, D. Gannon, B. Plale,
D. Reed, L. Ramakrishnan, J. Alameda, R. Wilhelmson, T. Baltzer,
B. Domenico, D. Murray, M. Ramamurthy, A. Wilson, R. Clark,
S. Yalda, S. Graves, R. Ramachandra, J. Rushing, E. Joseph,
and V. Morris, 2005: Service-oriented environments for
dynamically interacting with mesoscale weather. Computing
in Science and Engineering, 7, 12-27.
M. and W. Martin, 2006: A high-resolution modeling study
of the 24 May 2002 case during IHOP. Part I: Numerical simulation
and general evolution of the dryline and convection. Mon. Wea.
Rev., 134, 149-171.
M. and W. Martin, 2006: A high-resolution modeling study
of the 24 May 2002 case during IHOP. Part II: Horizontal convective
rolls and convective initiation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 134, 172-191.
W. J. and M. Xue, 2006: Initial condition sensitivity
analysis of a mesoscale forecast using very-large ensembles.
Mon. Wea. Rev., 134, 192-207.
Xue, M.,
M. Tong, and K. K. Droegemeier, 2006: An OSSE framework
based on the ensemble square-root Kalman filter for evaluating
impact of data from radar networks on thunderstorm analysis
and forecast. J. Atmos. Ocean Tech., 23, 46-66.
Hu, M.,
M. Xue, and Keith Brewster, 2006: 3DVAR and cloud analysis
with WSR-88D Level-II data for the prediction of the Fort Worth
tornadic thunderstorms. Part I: Cloud analysis and its impact.
Mon. Wea. Rev., 134, 675-698.
Hu, M.,
M. Xue, J. Gao and K. Brewster, 2006: 3DVAR and cloud
analysis with WSR-88D Level-II data for the prediction of
the Fort Worth tornadic thunderstorms. Part II: Impact of
radial velocity analysis via 3DVAR. Mon. Wea. Rev., 134, 699-721.
Liu, H.
and M. Xue, 2006: Retrieval of moisture from slant-path
water vapor observations of a hypothetical GPS network using
a three-dimensional variational scheme with anisotropic background
error. Mon. Wea. Rev., 134, 933-949.
D. T., II and M. Xue, 2006: Numerical forecasts of the
15-16 June 2002 Southern Plains severe MCS: Impact of mesoscale
data and cloud analysis. Mon. Wea. Rev., 134, 1607-1629.
Gao, J.,
K. Brewster, and M. Xue, 2006: A comparison of the radar
ray path equations and approximations for use in radar data
assimilation. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 32, 190-198.
Sheng, C.,
S. Gao, and M. Xue, 2006: Short-term prediction of a heavy
precipitation event by assimilating Chinese CINRAD radar
reflectivity data using complex cloud analysis. Meteor. Atmos.
Phy., 94, 167-183.
Xu, Q.,
S. Liu, and M. Xue, 2006: Background error covariance
functions for vector wind analysis using Doppler radar
radial-velocity observations. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor.
Soc., 132, 2887-2904.
M. and M. Xue, 2007: Impact of configurations
of rapid intermittent assimilation of WSR-88D radar data
for the 8 May 2003 Oklahoma City tornadic thunderstorm
case. Mon. Wea. Rev., 135, 507–525.
Xue, M., S. Liu, and T. Yu, 2007: Variational
analysis of over-sampled dual-Doppler radial velocity data and
application to the analysis of tornado circulations.
J. Atmos. Ocean Tech., 24, 403–414.
S., M. Xue, and Q. Xu, 2007: Using wavelet analysis
to detect tornadoes from Doppler radar radial-velocity
observations. J. Atmos. Ocean Tech., 24, 344-359.
Chu, K., Z.-M. Tan, and M. Xue, 2007: Impact of four-dimensional variational assimilation of rainfall data on precpitation forecast of mesoscale convective systems in a meiyu heavy rainfall event. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 24, 281-300.
Hu, M. and M. Xue, 2007: Initializing convection using cloud analysis and radar data in grid-point statistical interpolation (GSI) system and impact on the forecast of advanced research WRF. Geophy. Res. Letters. 34, L07808, doi:10.1029/2006GL028847.
Xue, M., Y. Jung, and G. Zhang, 2007: Error modeling of simulated reflectivity observations for ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation of convective storms. Geophys. Res. Letters, 34, L10802, doi:10.1029/2007GL029945.
Limpasuvan, V., D. L. Wu, M. J. Alexander, M. Xue, M. Hu, S. Pawson, and J. R. Perkins, 2007: The ARPS stratospheric gravity wave simulation over Greenland during 24 January 2005. J. Geo. Res., 112, D10115, doi:10.1029/2006JD007823.
Xue, M., K. K. Droegemeier, and D. Weber, 2007: Numerical prediction of high-impact local weather: A driver for petascale computing. In Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications, D. Bader, Ed., Taylor & Francis.
Gao, J. and M. Xue, 2008: An efficient dual-resolution approach for ensemble data assimilation and tests with assimilated Doppler radar data. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 945-963.
Tong, M. and M. Xue, 2008: Simultaneous estimation of microphysical parameters and atmospheric state with radar data and ensemble Kalman filter. Part I: Sensitivity analysis and parameter identifiability. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 1630-1648.
Tong, M. and M. Xue, 2008: Simultaneous estimation of microphysical parameters and atmospheric state with radar data and ensemble Kalman filter. Part II: Parameter estimation experiments. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 1649-1668.
Gao, S., S. Yang, M. Xue, and C. Cui, 2008: The total deformation and its role in heavy precipitation events associated with deformation-dominant flow patterns. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 25, 11-23.
Jung, Y., G. Zhang, and M. Xue, 2008: Assimilation of simulated polarimetric radar data for a convective storm using ensemble Kalman filter. Part I: Observation operators for reflectivity and polarimetric variables. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 2228–2245.
Jung, Y., M. Xue, G. Zhang, and J. Straka, 2008: Assimilation of simulated polarimetric radar data for a convective storm using ensemble Kalman filter. Part II: Impact of polarimetric data on storm analysis. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 2246–2260.
Liu, H. and M. Xue, 2008: Prediction of convective initiation and storm evolution on 12 June 2002 during IHOP. Part I: Control simulation and sensitivity experiments. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 2261-2283.
Gao, J., K. Brewster, and M. Xue, 2008: Variation of radio reflectivity with respect to moisture and temperature and influnce on radar ray path. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 1098-1106.
Tanamachi, R. L., W. Feltz, and M. Xue, 2008: Observations and numerical simulation of a water vapor oscillation event during the International H2O Project (IHOP_2002). Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 3106-3120.
Snook, N. and M. Xue, 2008: Effects of microphysical drop size distribution on tornadogenesis in supercell thunderstorms. Geophy. Res. Letters, 35, L24803, doi:10.1029/2008GL035866.
Zhang, G., M. Xue, Q. Cao, and D. Dawson, 2008: Diagnosing the intercept parameter for exponential raindrop size distribution based on video disdrometer observations. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 47, 2983-2992.
Sheng, C., M. Xue, and S. Gao, 2009: The structure and evolution of sea breezes during Qingdao Olympics sailing test event in 2006. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 26, 132–142
Zhao, K. and M. Xue, 2009: Assimilation of coastal Doppler radar data with the ARPS 3DVAR and cloud analysis for the prediction of Hurricane Ike (2008). Geophy. Res. Letters, 36, L12803, doi:10.1029/2009GL038658.
Dunning, T. H., Jr., K. Schulten, J. Tromp, J. P. Ostriker, K. K. Droegemeier, M. Xue, and P. Fussell, 2009: Science and engineering in the petascale era. Computing Sci. Engineering, 11, 28-36.
Xue, M., M. Tong, and G. Zhang, 2009: Simultaneous state estimation and attenuation correction for thunderstorms with radar data using an ensemble Kalman filter: Tests with simulated data. Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc., 135, 1409-1423.
Schwartz, C., J. Kain, S. Weiss, M. Xue, D. Bright, F. Kong, K. Thomas, J. Levit, and M. Coniglio, 2009: Next-day convection-allowing WRF model guidance: A second look at 2 vs. 4 km grid spacing. Mon. Wea. Rev., 137, 3351-3372.
McLaughlin, D., D. Pepyne, V. Chandrasekar, B. Philips, J. Kurose, M. Zink, K. Droegemeier, S. Cruz-Pol, F. Junyent, J. Brotzge, D. Westbrook, N. Bharadwaj, Y. Wang, E. Lyons, K. Hondl, Y. Liu, E. Knapp, M. Xue, A. Hopf, K. Kloesel, A. DeFonzo, P. Kollias, K. Brewster, R. Contreras, B. Dolan, T. Djaferis, E. Insanic, S. Frasier, and F. Carr, 2009: Short-wavelength technology and the potential for distributed networks of small radar systems. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 90, 1797-1817.
Stensrud, D. J., M. Xue, L. J. Wicker, K. E. Kelleher, M. P. Foster, J. T. Schaefer, R. S. Schneider, S. G. Benjamin, S. S. Weygandt, J. T. Ferree, and J. P. Tuell, 2009: Convective-scale Warn on Forecast System: A vision for 2020. Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., 90, 1487-1499.
Lan, W., J. Zhu, M. Xue, J. Gao, and T. Lei, 2010: Storm-scale ensemble Kalman filter assimilation experiments with simulated Doppler radar data: Part I: The perfect model case. Chinese J. Atmos. Sci., 34(3), 640-652.
Lan, W., J. Zhu, M. Xue, T. Lei, and J. Gao, 2010: Storm-scale ensemble Kalman filter assimilation experiments with simulated Doppler radar data: Part II: The case with model error. Chinese J. Atmos. Sci., 34(4), 737-753.
Jung, Y., M. Xue, and G. Zhang, 2010:Simulations of polarimetric radar signatures of a supercell storm using a two-moment bulk microphysics scheme. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 49, 146-163.J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 49, 146-163.
Jung, Y., M. Xue, and G. Zhang, 2010: Simutaneous estimation of microphysical parameters and atmospheric state using simulated polarimetric radar data and an ensemble Kalman filter in the presence of an observation operator error. Mon. Wea. Rev., 138, 539–562.
Xue, M., Y. Jung, and G. Zhang, 2010: State estimation of convective storms with a two-moment microphysics scheme and an ensemble Kalman filter: Experiments with simulated radar data Q. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc, 136, 685-700.
Ge, G., J. Gao, K. Brewster, and M. Xue, 2010: Impacts of beam broadening and earth curvature on 3D variational radar data assimilation radial velocity with two Doppler radars. J. Atmos. Ocean Tech., 27, 617-636.
Schwartz, C. S., J. S. Kain, S. J. Weiss, M. Xue, D. R. Bright, F. Kong, K. W.Thomas, J. J. Levit, M. C. Coniglio, and M. S. Wandishin, 2010: Toward improved convection-allowing ensembles: model physics sensitivities and optimizing probabilistic guidance with small ensemble membership. Wea. Forecasting, 25, 263-280..
Kain, J. S., M. Xue, M. C. Coniglio, S. J. Weiss, F. Kong, T. L. Jensen, B. G. Brown, J. Gao, K. Brewster, K. W. Thomas, Y. Wang, C. S. Schwartz, and J. J. Levit, 2010: Assessing advances in the assimilation of radar data within a collaborative forecasting-research environment. Wea. Forecasting, 25, 1510-1521.
Dong, J., M. Xue, and K. K. Droegemeier, 2011: The analysis and impact of simulated high-resolution surface observations in addition to radar data for convective storms with an ensemble Kalman filter. Meteor. Atmos. Phy., 112, 41-61.
Clark, A. J., J. S. Kain, D. J. Stensrud, M. Xue, F. Kong, M. C. Coniglio, K. W. Thomas, Y. Wang, K. Brewster, J. Gao, X. Wang, S. J. Weiss, D. Bright, and J. Du, 2011: Probabilistic precipitation forecast skill as a function of ensemble size and spatial scale in a convection-allowing ensemble. Mon. Wea. Rev., 139, 1410-1418.
Johnson, A., X. Wang, F. Kong, and M. Xue,
2011: Hierarchical cluster analysis of a convection- allowing ensemble during the Hazardous Weather Testbed 2009 Spring Experiment. Part I: Development of the object-oriented cluster analysis method for precipitation fields. Mon. Wea. Rev., 139, 3673–3693.
Johnson, A., X. Wang, F. Kong, and M. Xue, 2011: Hierarchical cluster analysis of a convection- allowing ensemble during the Spring Experiment of the Hazardous Weather Testbed in 2009. Part II: Ensemble clustering over the whole experiment period. Mon. Wea. Rev., 139, 3694–3710.
Limpasuvan, V., M. Alexander, Y. Orsolini, D. Wu, M. Xue, J. Richter, and C. Yamashita, 2011: Mesoscale simulations of gravity waves during the 2009 major stratospheric sudden warming. J. Geophy. Res., 116, D17104.
Snook, N., M. Xue, and J. Jung, 2011: Analysis of a tornadic mesoscale convective vortex based on ensemble Kalman filter assimilation of CASA X-band and WSR-88D radar data. Mon. Wea. Rev., 139, 3446-3468.
Bodine, D., Michaud, D., R. D. Palmer, P. L. Heinselman, J. Brotzge, N. Gasperoni, B. L. Cheong, M. Xue, and J. Gao, 2011: Understanding radar refractivity: Sources of uncertainty. J. Atmos. Ocean Tech., 50, 2543-2560.
Potvin, C. K., A. Shapiro, and M. Xue, 2012: Impact of a vertical vorticity constraint in variational dual-Doppler wind analysis: Tests with real and simulated supercell data. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 29, 32-49.
Zhao, K., M. Xue, and W.-C. Lee, 2012: Assimilation of GBVTD-retrieved winds from single-Doppler radar for short-term forecasting of Super Typhoon Saomai (0608) at landfall. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 138, 1055–1071.
Clark, A. J., S. J. Weiss, J. S. Kain, I. L. Jirak, M. Coniglio, C. J. Melick, C. Siewert, R. A. Sobash, P. T. Marsh, A. R. Dean, M. Xue, F. Kong, K. W. Thomas, Y. Wang, K. Brewster, J. Gao, X. Wang, J. Du, D. R. Novak, F. Barthold, M. J. Bodner, J. J. Levit, C. B. Entwistle, T. L. Jensen, and J. James Correia, 2012: An Overview of the 2010 Hazardous Weather Testbed Experimental Forecast Program Spring Experiment. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Sci., 93, 55-74.
Jung, Y., M. Xue, and M. Tong, 2012: Ensemble Kalman filter analyses of the 29-30 May 2004 Oklahoma tornadic thunderstorm using one- and two-moment bulk microphysics schemes, with verification against polarimetric radar data. Mon. Wea. Rev., 140, 1457-1475
Wang, Q.-W. and M. Xue, 2012: Convective initiation on 19 June 2002 during IHOP: High-resolution simulations and analysis of the mesoscale structures and convection initiations. J. Geophy. Res., 117, D12107.
Snook, N., M. Xue, and J. Jung, 2012: Ensemble probabilistic forecasts of a tornadic mesoscale convective system from ensemble Kalman filter analyses using WSR-88D and CASA radar data. Mon. Wea. Rev., 140, 2126–2146.
Lei, L., G. Zhang, R. J. Doviak, R. D. Palmer, B. L. Cheong, M. Xue, Q. Cao, and Y. Li, 2012: Multi-lag correlation estimators for polarimetric radar measurements in the presence of noise. J. Atmos. Ocean Tech., 29, 772-795.
Li, Y., X. Wang, and M. Xue, 2012: Assimilation of radar radial velocity data with the WRF ensemble-3DVAR hybrid system for the prediction of hurricane Ike (2008). Mon. Wea. Rev., 140, 3507-3524.
Du, N., M. Xue, K. Zhao, and J. Min, 2012: Impact of assimilating airborne Doppler radar velocity data using the ARPS 3DVAR on the analysis and prediction of hurricane Ike (2008). J. Geophy. Res., 117, D18113.
Gagne, D. J., II, A. McGovern, and M. Xue, 2012: Machine learning enhancement of storm scale ensemble precipitation forecasts. Conference on Intelligent Data Understanding (CIDU 2012) 8pp (referred conference paper).
Clark, A. J., J. S. Kain, P. T. Marsh, J. Correia, Jr., M. Xue, and F. Kong, 2012: Forecasting tornado pathlengths using a three-dimensional object identification algorithm applied to convection-allowing forecasts. Wea. Forecasting, 27, 1090-1113.
Xu, X., Y. Wang, and M. Xue, 2012: Momentum flux and flux divergence of gravity waves in directional shear flows over three-dimensional mountains. J. Atmos. Sci., 69, 3733-3744.
Cao, Q., G. Zhang, and M. Xue, 2013: A variational approach for retrieving raindrop size distribution from polarimetric radar measurements in the presence of attenuation. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatology, 52, 169-185.
Dong, J. and M. Xue, 2013: Assimilation of radial velocity and reflectivity data from coastal WSR-88D radars using ensemble Kalman filter for the analysis and forecast of landfalling hurricane Ike (2008). Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 139, 467-487.
Tanamachi, R. L., L. J. Wicker, D. C. Dowell, H. B. Bluestein, and M. Xue, 2013: EnKF assimilation of high-resolution, mobile Doppler radar data of the 4 May 2007 Greensburg, Kansas, supercell into a numerical cloud model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 141, 625-648.
Lee, J.-G. and M. Xue, 2013: A Study on a snowband associated with a coastal front and cold-air damming event of 3-4 February 1998 along the eastern coast of the Korean peninsula. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 30, 263-279.
Stensrud, D. J., L. J. Wicker, M. Xue, D. Dawson, N. Yussouf, D. Wheatley, T. E. Thompson, N. A. Snook, T. M. Smith, A. D. Schenkman, C. K. Potvin, E. R. Mansell, T. Lei, K. M. Kuhlman, Y. Jung, T. A. Jones, J. Gao, M. C. Coniglio, H. E. Brooks, and K. A. Brewster, 2013: Progress and challenges with Warn-on-Forecast. Atmos. Res., 123, 2-16.
Wang, S., M. Xue, and J. Min, 2013: A four-dimensional asynchronous ensemble square-root filter (4DEnSRF) and tests with simulated radar data. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 139, 805–819.
Clark, A. J., J. Gao, P. T. Marsh, T. Smith, J. S. Kain, J. Correia, Jr., M. Xue, and F. Kong, 2013: Tornado path length forecasts from 2010-2011 using ensemble updraft helicity. Wea. Forecasting, 28, 387–407.
Xue, M., and J. Dong, 2013:, Impact of assimilating best track minimum sea level pressure data together with coastal Doppler radar data on hurricane analysis and prediction at a cloud-resolving resolution, Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 27, 379-399.
Ge, G., J. Gao, and M. Xue, 2013: Impacts of assimilating measurements of different sate variables on the analysis and forecast of a supercell storm using three dimensional variational method. Mon. Wea. Rev., 141, 2759-2777.
Wang, Y., Y. Jung, T. A. Supinie, and M. Xue, 2013: A hybrid MPI-OpenMP parallel algorithm and performance analysis for an ensemble square root filter suitable for dense observations. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 30, 1382-1397.
Gao, J., T. T. Smith, D. J. Stensrud, C. Fu, K. Calhoun, K. L. Manross, J. Brogdon, V. Lakshmanan, Y. Wang, K. W. Thomas, K. Brewster, and M. Xue, 2013: A realtime weather-adaptive 3DVAR analysis system for severe weather detections and warnings. Wea. Forecasting, 28, 727-745.
Xu, X., Xue M., and Wang Y., 2013: Gravity wave momentum flux in directional shear flows over three-dimensional mountains: Linear and nonlinear numerical solutions as compared to linear analytical solutions. J. Geophy. Res., 118, 7670–7681.
Kain, J. S., M. C. Coniglio, J. Correia, A. J. Clark, P. T. Marsh, C. L. Ziegler, V. Lakshmanan, S. D. Miller, S. R. Dembek, S. J. Weiss, F. Kong, M. Xue, R. A. Sobash, A. R. Dean, I. L. Jirak, and C. J. Melick, 2013: A feasibility study for probabilistic convection initiation forecasts based on explicit numerical guidance. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94, 1213-1225.
Zhu, K., Y. Pan, M. Xue, X. Wang, J. S. Whitaker, S. G. Benjamin, S. S. Weygandt, and M. Hu, 2013: A regional GSI-based EnKF system for the Rapid Refresh configuration: Results with a single, reduced resolution. Mon. Wea. Rev., 141, 4118-4139.
Tanamachi, R. L., H. B. Bluestein, M. Xue, W.-C. Lee, K. A. Orzel, S. J. Frasier, and R. M. Wakimoto, 2013: Near-surface vortex structure in a tornado and a tornado-like vortex observed by a mobile, W-band radar during VORTEX2. Mon. Wea. Rev., 141, 3661-3690.
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Putnam, B. J., M. Xue, Y. Jung, N. A. Snook, and G. Zhang, 2014: The analysis and prediction of microphysical states and polarimetric variables in a mesoscale convective system using double-moment microphysics, multi-network radar data, and the ensemble Kalman filter. Mon. Wea. Rev., 142, 141-162.
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Supinie, T. A., Y. Jung, M. Xue, D. J. Stensrud, M. M. French, and H. B. Bluestein, 2016: Impact of VORTEX2 observations on analyses and forecasts of the 5 June 2009 Goshen County, Wyoming, supercell. Mon. Wea. Rev., 144, 429–449.
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Putnam, B. J., M. Xue, Y. Jung, N. A. Snook, and G. Zhang, 2017: Ensemble probabilistic prediction of a mesoscale convective system and associated polarimetric radar variables using single-moment and double-moment microphysics schemes and EnKF radar data assimilation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 145, 2257–2279.
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Zhou, B., K. Zhu, and M. Xue, 2017: A Physically-based horizontal subgrid-scale turbulent mixing parameterization for the convective boundary layer. J. Atmos. Sci., 74,2657–2674.
Zhou, B., M. Xue, and K. Zhu, 2017: A Grid-Refinement-Based Approach to Modeling the Convective Boundary Layer in the Gray Zone: A pilot study. J. Atmos. Sci., 74, 3497-3513.
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Xu, X., Y. Wang, M. Xue, and K. Zhu, 2017: Impacts of horizontal propagation of orographic gravity waves on the wave drag in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere. J. Geophy. Res., 122, 11,301–11312.
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Clark, A, I. Jirak, S. Dembek, F. Kong, K. Thomas, K. Knopfmeier, B. Gallo, C. Melick, M. Xue, K. Brewster, Y. Jung, A. Kennedy, X. Dong, J. Markel, G. Romine, K. Fossell, R. Sobash, J. Carley, B. Ferrier, M. Pyle, C. Alexander, S. Weiss, J. Kain, L. Wicker, G. Thompson, D. Imy, G. Creager, 2018: The Community Leveraged Unified Ensemble (CLUE) in the 2016 NOAA/Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Forecasting Experiment. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 99, 1433-1448.  .
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Johnson, M., Y. Jung, D. Dawson, T. A. Supinie, M. Xue, J. Park, and Y.-H. Lee, 2018: Evaluation of Unified Model microphysics in high-resolution NWP simulations using polarimetric radar observations. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 35, 771-784.
Xu, X., Y. Tang, Y. Wang, and M. Xue, 2018: Directional Absorption of Mountain Waves and Its Influence on the Wave Momentum Transport in the Northern Hemisphere. J. Geophy. Res., 123, 2640-2654.
Zhou, B., M. Xue, and K. Zhu, 2018: A Grid-Refinement-Based Approach to Modeling the Convective Boundary Layer in the Gray Zone: Algorithm Implementation and Testing. J. Atmos. Sci., 75, 1143-1161.
Luo, L., M. Xue, K. Zhu, and B. Zhou, 2018: Explicit prediction of hail in a long-lasting multi-cellular convective system in eastern China using multi-moment microphysics schemes. J. Atmos. Sci., 75, 3115-3137.
Meng, Z., L. Bai, M. Zhang, Z. Wu, Z. Li, M. Pu, Y. Zheng, X. Wang, D. Yao, M. Xue, K. Zhao, Z. Li, S. Peng, and L. Li, 2018: The Deadliest Tornado (EF4) in the Past 40 Years in China. Wea. Forecasting, 33, 693-713.
Wang, Q. and M. Xue, 2018: A high-resolution modeling study of the 19 June 2002 convective initiation case during IHOP: Localized forcing by horizontal convective rolls. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 35, 1243-1253.
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Rao, X., K. Zhao, X. Chen, A. Huang, M. Xue, Q. Zhang, and M. Wang, 2019: Influence of synoptic pattern and low-level wind speed on intensity and diurnal variations of orographic convection in summer over Pearl River Delta, South China. J. Geophy. Res., 124, 6157-6179. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JD030384.
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Stratman, D. R., N. Yussouf, Y. Jung, T. A. Supinie, M. Xue, P. S. Skinner, and B. J. Putnam, 2020: Optimal temporal frequency of phased-array radar observations for storm-scale data assimilation. Wea. Forecasting, 35, 193-214. https://doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-19-0165.1
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Gallo, B. T., J. Wolff, A. J. Clark, I. Jirak, L. R. Blank, B. Roberts, Y. Wang, C. Zhang, M. Xue, T. Supinie, L. Harris, L. Zhou, and C. Alexander, 2020: Exploring convection-allowing model evaluation strategies for severe local storms using the Finite-Volume Cubed (FV3) model core. Wea. Forecasting, 36, 3-19, https://doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-20-0090.1.
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Zhu, Z., Y. Qi, Q. Cao, D. Li, Z. Zhang, J. Cao, and M. Xue, 2021: Particle Size Distribution Characteristics within Different Regions of Mature Squall-line Based on the Analysis of Global Precipitation Measurement Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar Retrieval. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sensing Lett., 19, 1-5, 10.1109/LGRS.2020.3019384.
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Hu, X.-M., J. Hu, L. Gao, C. Cai, Y. Jiang, M. Xue, T. Zhao, and S. M. R. Crowell, 2021: Multi-sensor and multi-model monitoring and investigation of a wintertime air pollution event ahead of a cold front over eastern China. J. Geophy. Res., 126, e2020JD033538. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD033538.
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Hu, X.-M., Y. Huang, M. Xue, E. Martin, Y. Hong, M. Chen, H. M. Novoa, R. McPherson, Andres Perez, Isaac Yanqui Morales, and Auria Julieta Flores Luna, 2023: Effects of lower troposphere vertical mixing on simulated clouds and precipitation over Amazon during the wet season. J. Geophy. Res., 128, e2023JD038553, https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JD038553.
Chen, M., Y. Hong, Z. Li, H. J. Vergara, J. J. Gourley, M. Xue, X.-M. Hu, H. M. Novoa, E. R. Martin, R. A. McPherson, S. Gao, A. V. Perez, and I. Y. Morales: CONUS-wide model calibration and validation for CRESTv3.0 - an improved Coupled Routing and Excess STorage distributed hydrological model. J. Hydrol., 626, 130333, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130333.
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Kong, R., M. Xue, C. Liu, A. O. Fierro, E. R. Mansell, and D. R. MacGorman , 2024: Assimilation of GOES-16 geostationary lightning mapper flash extent density data in GSI 3DVar, EnKF and hybrid En3DVar for the analysis and short term forecast of a supercell storm case. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 41, 263-277, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-023-2340-2.
Johnson, M., M. Xue, and Y. Jung, 2024: Comparison of a Spectral Bin and Two Multi-Moment Bulk Microphysics Schemes for Supercell Simulation: Investigation into Key Processes Responsible for Hydrometeor Distributions and Precipitation. Adv. Atmos. Sci. 41, 784-800, 10.1007/s00376-023-3069-7.
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Xu, X., R. Zhang, M. A. C. Teixeira, A. v. Niekerk, M. Xue, Y. Lu, H. Xue, R. Li, and Y. Wang, 2024: A parametrization scheme accounting for nonhydrostatic effects on the momentum flux of vertically-propagating orographic gravity waves: Formulas and preliminary tests in the model for prediction across scales (MPAS). J. Atmos. Sci., 81, 805-817, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-23-0020.1.
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Huang, Y., M. Xue, X.-M. Hu, E. Martin, H. M. Novoa, R. A. McPherson, C. Liu, M. Chen, Y. Hong, A. Perez, I. Y. Morales, J. L. T. Jara, and A. J. F. Luna, 2024: Increasing frequency and precipitation intensity of convective storms in the Peruvian Central Andes: Projections from convection-permitting regional climate simulations. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 150, 4371-4390. https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.4820.
Huang, Y., M. Xue, X. Hu, E. Matin, H. Novoa, R. McPherson, C. Liu, K. Ikeda, R. Rasmussen, A. F. Prein, A. Perez, I. Morales, J. Ticona, A. J. Flores, 2024: Characteristics of Precipitation and Mesoscale Convective Systems over the Peruvian Central Andes in Multiple 5-Year Convection-Permitting Simulations. J. Geophy. Res. 129, e2023JD040394. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JD040394.
Li, M., X. Xu, M. A. C. Teixeira, M. Xue, H. Xue, K. Zhu, and H. Huang, 2024: Improved Orographic Gravity Wave Drag Parameterization Accounting for the Nonhydrostatic Effect in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model: Tests for Short-Range Forecast of Northeast China Cold Vortices. Mon. Wea Rev., 152, 2623-2637. https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-24-0097.1.
Johnson, M., N. Snook, J. Park, M. Xue, K. A. Brewster, T. Supinie, and X.-M. Hu, 2024: Severe weather verification of a FV3-LAM regional ensemble during the 2022 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Forecasting Experiment. Wea. Forecasting, https://doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-24-0034.1.
Gao, J., P. L. Heinselman, M. Xue, L. J. Wicker, N. Yussouf, D. J. Stensrud, and K. K. Droegemeier, 2024: The Numerical Prediction of Severe Convective Storms: Advances in Research and Applications, Remaining Challenges, and Outlook for the Future. In Elsevier Reference Collection in "Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences", Elsevier, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-96026-7.00127-2.
Firl G, Bernardet L, Xue L, Swales D, Fowler L, Peverly C, Xue M, Yang F. Envisioning the Future of Community Physics. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2024 March; 105(3):E639-E644. doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-24-0001.1.
Oliveira, M. I., M. M. Lopes, V. Goede, M. Barreiro, P. M. Salio, E. L. Figueiredo, and M. Xue, 2025: A multiscale analysis of the Dolores, Uruguay, tornadoes of 6 December 2012 and 15 April 2016. Atmos. Res., 316, 107947, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2025.107947.
Snook, N., J. Park, M. Xue, K. A. Brewster, M. Johnson, T. Supinie, X.-M. Hu, J. R. Carley, S. Liu, and M. Hu, 2025: Evaluation of CAPS convection-allowing FV3-LAM ensembles during the 2022 HWT spring forecasting experiment to inform the design of the Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS) Wea. and Forecasting, Accepted.
Hu, X.-M., M. Xue, T. Qian, X. Li, Q. Qin, H. M. Novoa, J. L. T. Jara, L. Gao, E. Martin, Y. Huang, and A. E. L. Valdivia, 2025: Mountain-facilitated lee slope transport and daytime boundary layer mixing of volcano plumes exacerbates air pollution over Arequipa, Peru. J. Geophy. Res., Accepted.
Huang, W., and M. Xue, 2025: How are Vorticity Rivers in Supercell Storms Produced and Are They Important Vorticity Sources for Tornadoes? J. Atmos. Sci., Conditionally accepted.
Sun, S., K. Zhu, B. Zhou, and M. Xue, 2024: Evaluation of 3D subgrid-scale fluxes in kilometer-scale simulations of an idealized midlatitude squall line. Mon. Wea. Rev., Conditionally accepted.
Hu, X.-M., W. Honeycutt, C. Wang, B. Weng, B. Zhou, and M. Xue, 2025: Observation and simulation of methane plumes during the morning boundary layer transition. J. Geophy. Res., Conditionally accepted.
Hu, X.-M., G. McFarquhar, B. Zhou, and M. Xue, 2025: Performance of conventional and mass-flux PBL schemes for simulating three modes of cloud-boundary layer coupling over the Southern Ocean. J. Geo. Res., Conditionally accepted.
Li, J., and M. Xue, 2025: Strong Sensitivity of Simulated Supercells to Low-level Moisture: Effects of Near Cloud Base Moisture Entrainment. J. Atmos. Sci., Conditionally accepted.
Wang, H., M. Xue, N. Wu, J. He, W. Ding, and H. Deng, 2025: Microphysical characteristics of frontal and warm sector heavy rainfall over South China during the pre-summer rainy season. J. Geo. Res., Conditionally accepted.
Zhang, R., M. Xue, and X. Yu, 2025: Environments of Tornadic and Nontornadic Supercells in China and Optimized Significant Tornado Parameter. Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc., Conditionally accepted.
Huang, Y., G. McFarquhar, S. Patil, L. Gao, Taszarek, M., M. Xue, A. M. Dzambo, M. Wolde, L. Nichman, C. Nguyen, K. Ranjibar, Bliankinshtein, B. N., K., P. Kollias, M. P. Jensen, Q. Mo, R. Bruintjes, C. Kuang, and T. Subba, 2025: Dependence of convective cloud microphysical properties on environmental conditions during the TRACER and ESCAPE field campaigns: A synergistic approach of observations, machine learning and numerical models. J. Atmos. Sci., Submitted.
Chen, M., Y. Huang, X.-M. Hu, M. Xue, Y. Hong, H. M. Novoa, E. Martin, R. McPherson, S. Zhu, A. V. Perez, J. L. T. Jara, and I. Y. Morales, 2025: Arequipa’s Water in the Short Future: a Hydrologic Outlook in an Arid Peruvian Andes Region Utilizing Hyperresolution RCM and CREST-VEC model simulations under SSP5-8.5. Earth’s Future, Submitted.
Li, M., X. Xu, M. Xue, Z. Ai, K. Zhu, and S. Li, 2025: Impact of Orographic Gravity Wave Drag Parameterization on Northeast China Cold Vortex Heavy Rainfall Simulated at a Convection Allowing Resolution. Mon. Wea Rev., Submitted.
Huang, W., and M. Xue, 2025: What Forces the Rapid Vertical Acceleration and Vorticity Intensification Near Ground in Tornadoes? Diagnostic Analysis based on a Numerically Simulated Real Tornado. J. Atmos. Sci., Submitted.
Fan, X., J. Ming, Q. Li, K. Zhao, H. Huang, M. Xue, Y. Duan, and D. Zhao, 2025: Radar observations of convective processes associated with eyewall formation during the rapid intensification of typhoon Cempaka (2021). J. Geophy. Res., Submitted.
Zhang, R., and M. Xue, 2025: Moisture sources and transport pathways for spring and summer tornadoes over China. J. Clim., To be submitted.
Fan, Z., M. Xue, K. Zhu, N. Yang, and H. Wang, 2025: Understanding of Effects of PBL Schemes on the Prediction of an Extreme Precipitation Event on 30 July 2023 in Northern China. Mon. Wea. Rev., To be submitted.
Mahale, V. N., J. C. Snyder, G. Zhang, M. Xue, and H. B. Bluestein, 2025: Rapid-scan dual-polarization radar observations of the 14 June 2011 Norman, Oklahoma, downburst and associated gust front and rotors. Mon. Wea. Rev., Conditionally accepted.
Johnson, M., and M. Xue, 2025: Assimilation of Radar ZDR Observations using Ensemble Kalman Filter for the 31 May 2013 Oklahoma Storm Event: Sensitivity Experiments on Data Assimilation Configurations to Optimize the Analysis of Microphysical States. Mon. Wea. Rev., To be submitted.
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Amer. Meteor. Soc., Phoenix, Arizona. 209-212.
Carpenter, R., K.K. Dreogemeier, G.
Bassett, K. Brewster, D. Jahn, J. Levit, M. Xue, W.L. Qualley, and
R. Strasser, 1998: Storm-scale NWP for commercial aviation: Results
from realtime operational tests in 1996-1997. Preprints, 12th Conf
Num. Wea. Pre. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Phoenix, AZ, 213-216.
Doyle, J. D., D. R. Durran, B. A.
Colle, C. Chen, M. Georgelin, V. Grubisic, W. R. Hsu, C. Y. Huang,
D. Landau, Y. L. Lin, G. S. Poulos, W.Y.Sun, D. B. Weber, M. G.
Wurtele, and M. Xue, 1998: An intercomparision of model predicted
wave breaking for the 11 January 1972 Boulder Windstorm. Preprint,
Conf. Mount. Meteor., Amer. Metero. Soc.
J., M. Xue, Z. Wang, and K. K. Droegemeier, 1998: The initial
condition and explicit prediction of convection using ARPS adjoint
and other retrievals methods with WSR-88D data. 12th Conf.
Num. Wea. Prediction. Amer. Metero. Soc., Phoenix AZ, 176-178.
Gao, J., S. Weygandt, M. Xue, A. Shapiro,
Q. Xu and K.K. Droegemeier, 1998: Application of a simple adjoint
wind retrieval to a tornadic supercell storm. Preprints, 19th Conf,
On Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Minneapolis, MN.
Gao, J., M. Xue, A. Shapiro, and K.K.
Droegemeier, 1998: A 3D variational storm-scale wind analysis from
dual-Doppler radar. Preprints, 19th Conf, On Severe Local Storms,
Amer. Meteor. Soc., Minneapolis, MN.
Shin, K.-S., S.-K. Chung, S.-Y. Lee,
H.-D. Yoo, D.-I. Lee, M. Xue, K. Brewster, G. Bassett, S.-K. Park,
K.K. Dreogemeier, 1998: Explicit realtime operational prediction
of deep convection over Korea. Preprints, 16 1h Conf. on Wea. Anal.
Forecasting, Amer. Metero. Soc., Phoenix, AZ, 135-137.
V., M. Xue, Y. Liu, X. Tan, L. Wang, and K.K. Droegemeier, 1998:
Effect of land cover on the numerical predictions of convective
storms, Preprints, 12th Conf. on Num. Wea. Pred., Amer. Meteor.
Soc., Phoenix, AZ, 157-160.
J., K.K Doegemeier, and M. Xue, 1998: Impact of observations in
the numerical prediction of the 17 August Lahoma supercell hailstorm.
Preprint, 16'h Conf. Wea. Forecasting. Amer. Meteor. Soc. Phoenix
AZ 289-291
M., 1999, The Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) and
Its Applications. Extended abstract, Workshop on Mesoscale Numerical
Weather Prediction and its Applications, Japan Meteor. Agency. Tokyo.
M., J. Gao and S. Weygandt, 1999, Single-Doppler Velocity Retrievals
and Their Applications, Extended abstract, Workshop on Mesoscale
Numerical Weather Prediction and its Applications, Japan Meteor.
Agency. Tokyo., 77-80.
Gao, J., M. Xue, A. Shapiro, Q. Xu,
K.K Droegemeier, 1999: Three-dimensional simple adjoint retrievals
using WSR-88D radar data. Preprints, 8th Conf. Mesoscale Meteorology.
Amer. Meteoro. Soc., Boulder CO.
Gao, J., M. Xue, A. Shapiro, and K.K.
Droegemeier, 1999: Three-dimensional variational wind retrievals
from single Doppler radar, Preprint, 29th Int. Conf. Radar Meteoro.,
Montreal, Canada.
D., K. K. Droegemeier, D. Jahn, K.-M. Xu, M. Xue, and J. Zhang,
2001: Nids-based intermittent diabatic assimilation and application
to storm-scale numerical weather prediction. Preprint, 14th Conf.
on Num. Wea. Pred., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Amer. Met. Soc.
X., M. Xue, L. Yang, and L. Gruenwald, 2002: A spatial data
mining approach for verification and understanding of ensemble precipitation
forecasting. Symp Obs, Data Assimi, and Probabilistic Pred, Olando,
J., M. Xue, K. Brewster, F. Carr, and K. K. Droegemeier, 2002:
New Development of a 3DVAR system for a nonhydrostatic NWP modeol.
Preprint, 15th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred. and 19th Conf. Wea. Aanl. Forecasting,
San Antonio, TX, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
Hu, M. and M. Xue,
2002: Sensitivity of model thunderstorms to modifications to
the environmental conditions by a nearby thunderstorm in the
prediction of 2000 fort Worth tornado case. Preprint, 15th Conf.
Num. Wea. Pred. and 19th Conf. Wea. Aanl. Forecasting, San Antonio,
TX, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
Nutter, P., D. Stensrud,
and M. Xue, 2002: Effects of nesting frequency and lateral
boundary perturbations on the dispersion of limited-area
ensemble forecasts. Preprint, 15th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred.
and 19th Conf. Wea. Aanl. Forecasting, San Antonio, TX,
Amer. Meteor. Soc.
Ren, D., M. Xue, and J. Gao,
2002: Parameter retrieval in a land-surface model. Preprint,
15th Conf. on Num. Wea. Pred. and 19th Conf. on Wea.
Anal. Forecasting, San. Antonio, TX, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
Xue, M., K. Brewster, D.
Weber, K. W. Thomas, F. Kong, and E. Kemp, 2002: Realtime
storm-scale forecast support for IHOP 2002 at
CAPS. Preprint, 15th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred. and 19th Conf.
Wea. Aanl. Forecasting, San Antonio, TX, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
D. T., II and M. Xue, 2004: Impact of mesoscale data, cloud
analysis on the explicit prediction of a MCS during IHOP 2002. Extended
Abstract, 20th Conf. Wea. Analy. Forecasting/16th Conf. Num. Wea.
Pred., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Seattle, WA.
Droegemeier, K. K.,
V. Chandrasekar, Richard Clark, Dennis Gannon, Sara Graves, Everette
Joseph, Mohan Ramamurthy, Robert Wilhelmson, Keith Brewster,
Ben Domenico, Theresa Leyton, Vernon Morris, Donald Murray, Beth
Plale, Rahul Ramachandran, Daniel Reed, John Rushing, Daniel
Weber, Anne Wilson, Ming Xue, Sepideh Yalda, 2004: Linked environments
for atmospheric discovery (LEAD): A cyberinfrastructure for mesoscale
meteorology research and education. 20th Conf. Interactive Info.
Proc. Sys (IIPS), Seattle, WA, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
Liu, H.
and M. Xue,
2004: 3DVAR retrieval of 3D moisture field from slant-path
water vapor observations of a high-resolution hypothetical
GPS network. Extended Abstract, 20th Conf. Wea. Analy.
Forecasting/16th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Seattle,
WA, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
W. J. and M. Xue,
2004: Initial condition sensitivity analysis
of a mesoscale forecast using very-large ensembles.
Extended Abstract, 20th Conf. Wea. Analy. Forecasting/16th
Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Seattle, WA, Amer. Meteor.
Ren, D. and M. Xue,
2004: 4DVAR assimilation of ground temperature
for the estimation of soil moisture and temperature.
Tong, M. and M. Xue,
2004: Ensemble Kalman filter assimilation
of Doppler radar data with a compressible
nonhydrostatic model. Extended Abstract,
20th Conf. Wea. Analy. Forecasting/16th
Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Seattle, WA, Amer. Meteor.
Xue, M. and D. Ren,
2004: Testing of several recent modifications
to ARPS land surface model. 18th
Conf. Hydro., Seattle, WA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM, JP4.16.
P., M. Xue, and D. Stansrud, 2004: On the need for perturbed
LBCs in limited-area ensemble forecasts. Extended Abstract, 20th
Conf. Wea. Analy. Forecasting/16th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Amer.
Meteor. Soc., Seattle, WA.
M., M. Xue, J. Gao, and K. Brewster, 2004: Prediction of Fort Worth
tornadic thunderstorms using 3DVAR and cloud analysis with WSR-88D
Level-II data. 11th Conf. Aviation, Range, Aerospace and 22nd Conf.
Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM, J1.2.
M., M. Tong, and K. K. Droegemeier, 2005: Impact of radar configuration
and scan strategy on assimilation of radar data using ensemble
Kalman filter. 9th Symp. Integrated Observing Assimilation Systems
Atmosphere, Oceans, Land Surface, Amer.
Meteor. Soc., CDROM, 9.3.
Hu, M. and
M. Xue, 2005: Impact of configurations of rapid intermittent
assimilation of WSR-88D radar data for the 8 May 2003 Oklahoma
City tornadic thunderstorm case. Extended Abstract, 17th Conf.
Num. Wea. Pred., Amer. Metero. Soc., 13.2.
Liu, H.,
M. Xue, R. J. Purser, and D. F. Parrish,
2005: Retrieval of moisture from GPS slant-path water vapor observations
using 3DVAR with recursive filters. Extended abstract, 17th Conf.
Num. Wea. Pred., Washington DC, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 14B.6
Tong, M.
and M. Xue, 2005: Simutaneous retrieval
of microphysical parameters and atmospheric state variables with
radar data and ensemble Kalman filter method. Extended abstract,
17th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Washington DC, Amer. Meteor. Soc.,
Liu, S.,
M. Xue, J. Gao, and D. Parrish, 2005:
Analysis and impact of super-obbed Doppler radial velocity in
the NCEP grid-point statistical interpolation (GSI) analysis
system. Extended abstract, 17th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Washington
DC, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 13A.4.
Jung, Y.,
M. Xue, and J. M. Straka, 2005: Assimilation of polarimetric
radar data using ensemble Kalman filter: Experiments with simulated
data. Extended abstract, 17th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Washington
DC, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 13A.3.
E. S., M. Tong, M. Xue, and K. K. Droegemeier, 2005:
Assimilation of simulated network radar data of veried storm types
using EnSRF for convective storm analysis and forecasts. Extended
abstract, 17th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Washingtong DC, Amer. Meteor.
Soc., 13A.1.
K., M. Hu, M. Xue, and J. Gao, 2005:
Efficient assimilation of radar data at high resolution for short-range
numerical weather prediction. WWRP International Symposium on
Nowcasting and Very Short range Forecasting, CDROM 3.06.
Gao, J., C. Nuttall, C. Gilreath, M. Xue, K. Brewster, and K. Droegemeier, 2005: Multiple Doppler Wind Analysis and Assimilation via 3DVAR using Simulated Observations of the Planned CASA Network and WSR-88D Radars 32nd Conf. Radar Meteor., Albuquerque, NM, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM J1J.4.
Gao, J., K. Brewster, and M. Xue, 2005: Differences Between Explicit and Approximated Radar Ray Paths Due to Vertical Gradient of Refractivity 32nd. Conf. Radar Meteor., Albuquerque, NM, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM JP1J.14.
Lyons, E. J., V. Lakamraju, K. Brewster, M. Xue, and K. D. Hondl, 2005: An end-to-end emulation of the CASA radar network 32nd Conf. Radar Meteor., Albuquerque, NM, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM 14R.3.
May, R. M., M. I. Biggerstaff, and M. Xue, 2005: The detectability of tornadic signatures with Doppler radar: A radar emulator study 32nd Conf. Radar Meteor., Albuquerque, NM, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM P15R.1.
Martin, W. J. and M. Xue, 2005: A comparison of sensitivity analyses from three methods: An adjoint, a very large ensemble, and a new method of random perturbations. Preprint, 11th Conf. Mesoscale Processes, CDROM 1M.1.
Xue, M., M. Hu, and M. Tong, 2006: Assimilation of radar data and short-range prediction of thunderstorms using 3DVAR, cloud analysis and ensemble Kalman filter methods. Abstract submitted to the 12th Conf. Aviation Range Aerospace Meteor., 2006, Atlanta, Georgia, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
Xue, M., 2006: Data assimilation and prediction at the convective scale: Recent progresses. Preprint, 4th Joint US-Korea Workshop on Mesoscale Observation, Data Assimilation and Modeling for Severe Weather, Seoul, Korea.
Gao, J. and M. Xue, 2006: An efficient dual-resolution ensemble data assimilation approach and tests with the assimilation of Doppler radar data. Extended abstract, 10th Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS), Atlanta, GA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM 2.6.
Snook, N. and M. Xue, 2006: Sensitivity of tornadogenesis in very-high-resolution numerical simulations to variations in model microphysical parameters. Extended Abstract, Conf. Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM 16.4.
Potvin, C. K., A. Shapiro, T.-Y. Yu, and M. Xue, 2006: Using a low-order model to characterize tornadoes in multiple Doppler radar data. Preprint, 22nd Int. Conf. Interactive Info. Proc. Sys. Meteor. Oceanography. Hydro., Atlanta, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM P2.15..
Godfrey, E. S., K. Droegemeier, M. Xue, and M. Tong, 2007: Assimilation of simulated CASA radar data of varied storm types using EnSRF for convective storm analyses and forecasts. Preprint, 11th Symp. Integrated Obs. Assimilation Sys. Atmos. Oceans Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS), CDROM 3.11.
Brewster, K. A., K. W. Thomas, J. Brotzge, Y. Wang, D. Weber, and M. Xue, 2007: High resolution data assimilation of CASA X-band radar data for thunderstorm forecasting. 22nd Conf. Wea. Anal. Forecasting/18th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Salt Lake City, Utah, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM 1B.1.
Dawson, D. T., II, M. Xue, J. A. Milbrandt, M. K. Yau, and G. Zhang, 2007: Impact of multi-moment microphysics and model resolution on predicted cold pool and reflectivity intensity and structures in the Oklahoma tornadic supercell storms of 3 May 1999. 22nd Conf. Wea. Anal. Forecasting/18th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Salt Lake City, Utah, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM 10B.2.
Dong, J., M. Xue, and K. Droegemeier, 2007: The impact of high-resolution surface observations on convective storm analysis with ensemble Kalman filter. 22nd Conf. Wea. Anal. Forecasting/18th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Salt Lake City, Utah, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM P1.42.
Gao, J. and M. Xue, 2007: The issue of data density and frequency with EnKF radar data assimilation in a compressible nonhydrostatic NWP model. 22nd Conf. Wea. Anal. Forecasting/18th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Salt Lake City, Utah, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM P1.44.
Hu, M., S. S. Weygandt, M. Xue, and S. G. Benjamin, 2007: Development and testing of a new cloud analysis package using radar, satellite, and surface cloud observations within GSI for initializing rapid refresh. 22nd Conf. Wea. Anal. Forecasting/18th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Salt Lake City, Utah, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM P2.5.
Hu, M. and M. Xue, 2007: Analysis and prediction of 8 May 2003 Oklahoma City tornadic thunderstorm and embedded tornado using ARPS with assimilation of WSR-88D radar data. 22nd Conf. Wea. Anal. Forecasting/18th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Salt Lake City, Utah, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM 1B.4.
Xue, M., F. Kong, D. Weber, K. W. Thomas, Y. Wang, K. Brewster, K. K. Droegemeier, J. S. K. S. J. Weiss, D. R. Bright, M. S. Wandishin, M. C. Coniglio, and J. Du, 2007: CAPS realtime storm-scale ensemble and high-resolution forecasts as part of the NOAA hazardous weather testbed 2007 spring experiment. 22nd Conf. Wea. Anal. Forecasting/18th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Salt Lake City, Utah, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM 3B.1.
Kong, F., M. Xue, Kelvin K. Droegemeier, D. Bright, M. C. Coniglio, K. W. Thomas, Y. Wang, D. Weber, J. S. Kain, S. J. Weiss, and J. Du, 2007: Preliminary analysis on the real-time storm-scale ensemble forecasts produced as a part of the NOAA hazardous weather testbed 2007 spring experiment. 22nd Conf. Wea. Anal. Forecasting/18th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Salt Lake City, Utah, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM 3B.2.
Weiss, S. J., J. S. Kain, D. R. Bright, J. J. Levit, G. W. Carbin, M. E. Pyle, Z. I. Janjic, B. S. Ferrier, J. Du, M. L. Weisman, and M. Xue, 2007: The NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed: Collaborative testing of ensemble and convection-allowing WRF models and subsequent transfer to operations at the Storm Prediction Center. 22nd Conf. Wea. Anal. Forecasting/18th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Salt Lake City, Utah, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM 6B.4.
Liu, H. and M. Xue, 2007: Prediction of convective initiation and storm evolution on 12 June 2002 during IHOP_2002. 22nd Conf. Wea. Anal. Forecasting/18th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Salt Lake City, Utah, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM 9B.3.
Martin, W. J. and M. Xue, 2007: Prediction of the timing of convective initiation along a dryline in a high-resolution model. 22nd Conf. Wea. Anal. Forecasting/18th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Salt Lake City, Utah, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM 9B.6.
Zhang, G., M. Xue, D. D. Dawson, and Q. Cao, 2007: Diagnosing the intercept parameter for exponential rain drop size distribution based on video disdrometer observations. 22nd Conf. Wea. Anal. Forecasting/18th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Salt Lake City, Utah, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM 10B.3.
Lei, T., M. Xue, T. Yu, and M. Teshiba, 2007: Study on the optimal scanning strategies of phase-array radar through ensemble Kalman filter assimilation of simulated data. 33rd Int. Conf. Radar Meteor., Cairns, Australia, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM P7.1.
Liou, Y.-C., G.-J. Huang, M. Xue, and M. Tong, 2007: Doppler radar data assimilation over terrain using ensemble Kalman filter. 33rd Int. Conf. Radar Meteor., Cairns, Australia, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM P4.1.
Gao, J., G. Ge, M. Xue, and K. K. Droegemeier, 2007: Assimilation of CASA and WSR-88D radar data via 3DVAR to improve short term convective weather forecasting. 33rd Int. Conf. Radar Meteor., Cairns, Australia, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM P4.8.
Teshiba, M., T.-Y.Yu, G. E. Crain, and M. Xue, 2007: A monopulse system: Applications for weather radar observations. 33rd Int. Conf. Radar Meteor., Cairns, Australia, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM P8B.7.
Alberts, T. A., P. B. Chilson, B. L. Cheong, R. D. Palmer, and M. Xue, 2007: Evaluation of binary phase coded pulse compression schemes using a Time-Series weather radar simulator 33rd Int. Conf. Radar Meteor., Cairns, Australia, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM 7.7.
Potvin, C. K., A. M. Shapiro, T. Y. Yu, J. Gao, and M. Xue, 2007: Using a low-order model to detect and characterize tornadoes in multiple-Doppler radar data. 33rd Int. Conf. Radar Meteor., Cairns, Australia, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM P13A.13.Alberts, T. A., P. B.
Chilson, B. L. Cheong, R. D. Palmer, and M. Xue, 2008: High resolution weather radar through pulse compression. Symp. Recent Develop. Atmos. Applications Radar Lidar New Orleans, LA, P1.15.
Brewster, K. A., J. Brotzge, K. W. Thomas, Y. Wang, M. Xue, J. Gao, D. Weber, and K. Howe, 2008: High resolution assimilation of CASA and NEXRAD radar data in near-real time: Results from Spring 2007 and plans for Spring of 2008. 12th Conf. IOAS-AOLS, New Orleans, LA, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
Brotzge, J., K. Brewster, J. Gao, and M. Xue, 2008: Interaction of gravity waves and horizontal convective rools: Observations from CASA collected 24 April 2007. 12th Conf. IOAS-AOLS, New Orleans, LA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 9A.10.
Gao, J., K. Brewster, Y. Wang, K. W. Thomas, J. Brotzge, and M. Xue, 2008: High-resolution three-dimensional wind analysis of CASA IP-1 and WSR-88D radar data using the ARPS 3DVAR. 12th Conference on IOAS-AOLS, New Orleans, LA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 16.5.
Lei, T., M. Xue, T. Yu, and M. Teshiba, 2008: Impact of spatial over-sampling by phased-array radar on convective-storm analysis using ensemble Kalman filter and simulated data. Symp. Recent Develop. Atmos. Applications Radar Lidar New Orleans, LA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P2.17.
Potvin, C. K., A. M. Shapiro, T. Y. Yu, J. Gao, and M. Xue, 2008: Using a low-order model to detect and characterize tornadoes in multiple-Doppler radar data. Symp. Recent Develop. Atmos. Applications Radar Lidar New Orleans, LA, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
Weber, D., K. K. W. Thomas, K. Droegemeier, K. A. Brewster, Y. Wang, M. Xue, S. Marru, D. Gannon, J. Alameda, B. F. Jewett, J. S. Kain, S. J. Weiss, and M. Christie, 2008: Use of the LEAD Portal for On-Demand Severe Weather Prediction. 6th Conf. Artificial Intelligence App. Env. Sci., Ameri. Meteor. Soc., J2.2.
Yeary, M., R. Palmer, G. Zhang, M. Xue, T. Yu, A. Zahrai, J. Crain, Y. Zhang, R. Doviak, Q. Xu, and P. Chilson, 2008: Development of a multi-channel receiver for the realization multi-mission capabilities at the national weather radar testbed. 24rd Conf. IIPS, New Orleans, LA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 9A.3.
Zhang, G., Q. Cao, M. Xue, P. B. Chilson, M. P. Morris, R. D. Palmer, J. Brotzge, T. J. Schuur, E. A. Brandes, K. Iketa, A. V. Ryzhkov, D. S. Zrnic, and E. Jessup, 2008: A field experiment to study rain microphysics using video disdrometers, a profiler, and polarimetric S- and X-band radars. Symp. Recent Develop. Atmos. Applications Radar Lidar New Orleans, LA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P2.23.
Potvin, C. K., A. Shapiro, T.-Y. Yu, J. Gao, and M. Xue, 2008: Evaluation of a new multiple-Doppler tornado detection and characterization technique using real radar observations. Extended abstract, 24th Conf. Several Local Storms, Savannah, GA, Ameri. Meteor. Soc., 16B.1.
Schenkman, A. D., M. Xue, A. Shapiro, K. Brewster, and J. Gao, 2008: Analysis of MCV tornadoes through storm-scale data assimilation and simulations. Extended abstract, 24th Conf. Several Local Storms, Savannah, GA, Ameri. Meteor. Soc., 9B.6.
Xue, M., F. Kong, K. W. Thomas, J. Gao, Y. Wang, K. Brewster, K. K. Droegemeier, J. Kain, S. Weiss, D. Bright, M. Coniglio, and J. Du, 2008: CAPS realtime storm-scale ensemble and high-resolution forecasts as part of the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed 2008 Spring Experiment. 24th Conf. Several Local Storms, Savannah, GA, Ameri. Meteor. Soc., Page 12.2.
Kong, F., M. Xue, M. Xue, K. K. Droegemeier, K. W. Thomas, Y. Wang, J. S. Kain, S. J. Weiss, D. Bright, and J. Du, 2008: Real-time storm-scale ensemble forecasting during the 2008 spring experiment. 24th Conf. Several Local Storms, Savannah, GA, Ameri. Meteor. Soc., Paper 12.3.
Lei, T., M. Xue, and T. Yu, 2009: Multi-scale analysis and prediction of the 8 May 2003 Oklahoma City tornadic supercell storm assimilating radar and surface network data using EnKF. Extended abstract, 13th Conf. of IOAS-AOLS, AMS Meetings 2008, Paper 6.4.
David R. Bright, J. Huhn, S. J. Weiss, J. J. Levit, J. S. Kain, R. S. Schneider, M. C. Coniglio, M. Duquette, and M. Xue, 2009: Short-range and storm-scale ensemble forecast guidance and its potential applications in air traffic decision support. Preprint, Aviation, Range, Aerospace Meteorology Special Symposium Weather-Air Traffic Management Integration, Phoenix, AZ., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper P1.7.
Gao, J., J. A. Brotzge, K. Brewster, Y. Wang, K. W. Thomas, M. Xue, V. Chandrasekar, Y. Wang, B. D. Phillips, and M. Zink, 2009: High temporal and spatial resolution 2D wind analysis of CASA and WSR-88D radar data using the ARPS 3DVAR. 13th Conf. OAS-AOLS, Ameri. Meteor. Soc.
Gao, J., J. A. Brotzge, Y. Wang, K. W. Thomas, K. Brewster, M. Xue, V. Chandrasekar, Y. Wang, B. D. Phillips, and M. Zink, 2009: High Temporal and Spatial Resolution 2D Wind Analysis of CASA and WSR-88D Radar Data using the ARPS 3DVAR. Preprint, 13th Conf. IOAS-AOLS, Phoenix, AZ., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 6.4.
Luchs, S., G. Zhang, A. V. Ryzhkov, M. Xue, L. Ryzhkova, and Q. Cao, 2009: Observations of snow particle size distribution with 2-D video disdrometer and polarimetric radar Preprint, 13th Conf. IOAS-AOLS, Phoenix, AZ., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper P2.5.
Potvin, C. K., A. M. Shapiro, T. Y. Yu, J. Gao, and M. Xue, 2009: Evaluation of a new multiple-Doppler tornado detection and characterization technique using real radar observations. Preprint, 25th Conf. IIPS for Meteor. Ocean. Hydro., Phoenix, AZ., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 14.3.
Schwartz, C. S., J. S. Kain, D. R. Bright, S. J. Weiss, M. Xue, F. Kong, J. J. Levit, M. C. Coniglio, and M. S. Wandishin, 2009: Optimizing probabilistic high resolution ensemble guidance for hydrologic prediction. Preprint, 23rd Conf. Hydrology, Phoenix, AZ., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 9.4.
Shimose, K.-i., M. Xue, R. D. Palmer, J. Gao, B. L. Cheong, and D. J. Bodine, 2009: Two-dimensional variational analysis of near-surface moisture from simulated radar refractivity-related phase change observations. Extended abstract, 13th Conf. of IOAS-AOLS, AMS Meetings 2008, Paper 14.3.
Stratman, D. R., D. R. Bright, S. J. Weiss, J. S. Kain, J. J. Levit, M. C. Coniglio, K. W. Thomas, F. Kong, and M. Xue, 2009: An Examination of Simulated Reflectivity Forecasts from a 10-Member Storm Scale Ensemble Prediction System Preprint, 25th Conf. IIPS for Meteor. Ocean. Hydro., Phoenix, AZ., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper P1.15.
Umemoto, Y., T. Lei, T. Y. Yu, and M. Xue, 2009: Observation Error Modeling and EnKF OSSEs Examining the Impact of Spatial and Temporal Resolutions and Errors of Phased-Array Radar
Preprint, 13th Conf. IOAS-AOLS, Phoenix, AZ., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper P1.6.
Yeary, M., R. Palmer, G. E. Crain, M. Xue, Y. Zhang, P. Chilson, X. Qin, R. J. Doviak, and A. Zahrai, 2009: An Update on Multi-Channel Receiver Development for the Realization Multi-Mission Capabilities at the National Weather Radar Testbed. Preprint, 25th Conf. IIPS for Meteor. Ocean. Hydro., Phoenix, AZ., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 8B.5.
Xue, M., F. Kong, K. W. Thomas, J. Gao, Y. Wang, K. Brewster, K. K. Droegemeier, X. Wang, J. Kain, S. Weiss, D. Bright, M. Coniglio, and J. Du, 2009: CAPS realtime multi-model convection-allowing ensemble and 1-km convection-resolving forecasts for the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed 2009 Spring Experiment. 23nd Conf. Wea. Anal. Forecasting/19th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Omaha, NB, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 16A.2.
Kong, F. M. Xue, K. W. Thomas, J. Gao, Y. Wang, K. Brewster, K. K. Droegemeier, J. Kain, S. Weiss, D. Bright, M. Coniglio, and J. Du, 2009: A realtime storm-scale ensemble forecast system: 2009 spring experiment. 23nd Conf. Wea. Anal. Forecasting/19th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Omaha, NB, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 16A.3.
Wang, Q. and M. Xue, 2009: A high-resolution modeling study of convective initiation on 19 June 2002 during IHOP. Part I: Results of control data assimilation experiment. 23nd Conf. Wea. Anal. Forecasting/19th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Omaha, NB, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 12A.3.
Hall, J., M. Xue, L. Leslie, K. Zhao, L. Ran, and F. Kong, 2010: Intensity, structure and rainfall in high-resolution numerical simulations of Typhoon Morakot (2009). 29th Conf. Hurricanes Tropical Meteor., Tucson, AZ, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 15C.7.
Dong, J. and M. Xue, 2010: Ensemble Kalman filter assimilation of coastal WSR-88D radar data and forecsting for hurricane Ike (2008). 29th Conf. Hurricanes Tropical Meteor., Tucson, AZ, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper No. P2.138.
Xue, M., F. Kong, K. W. Thomas, Y. Wang, K. Brewster, J. Gao, X. Wang, S. Weiss, A. Clark, J. Kain, M. Coniglio, J. Du, T. Jensen, and Y.-H. Kuo, 2010: CAPS Realtime Storm Scale Ensemble and High Resolution Forecasts for the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed 2010 Spring Experiment. 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 7B.3.
Kong, F., M. Xue, K. W. Thomas, Y. Wang, K. Brewster, X. Wang, J. Gao, S. J. Weiss, A. Clark, J. S. Kain, M. C. Coniglio, and J. Du, 2010: Evaluation of CAPS multi-model storm-scale ensemble forecast for the NOAA HWT 2010 Spring Experiment. 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper P4.18.
Weiss, S. J., A. J. Clark, I. L. Jirak, C. J. Melick, C. W. Siewert, R. Sobash, P. T. Marsh, A. R. Dean, M. Xue, F. Kong, K. W. Thomas, J. Du, D. R. Novak, F. E. Barthold, M. J. Bodner, J. J. Levit, C. B. Entwistle, T. Jensen, J. S. Kain, M. C. Coniglio, and R. S. Schneider, 2010: An overview of the 2010 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed spring forecasting experiment. 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 7B.1.
Clark, A. J., M. Xue, F. Kong, K.W. Thomas, Y. Wang, K. Brewster, X. Wang, S.J. Weiss, I.L. Jirak, C.J. Melick, P.T. Marsh, J.S. Kain, M.C. Coniglio and J. Du, 2010: Verification of probablistic forecasts for severe weather parameters in the 2010 Storm-Scale Ensemble Forecast System and the operational SREF system. 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Society, Paper P7.10.
Clark, A. J., M. Xue, F. Kong, K. Thomas, Y. Wang, K. Brewster, J. Gao, K.K. Droegemeier, J. S. Kain, S.J. Weiss, D. Bright, M.C. Coniglio and J. Du, 2010: Probabilistic precipitation forecast skill as a function of ensemble size and spatial scale ina convection-allowing ensemble. 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 12B.4.
Gao, J., M. Xue, and D.J. Stensrud, 2010: The Development of a Hybrid 3DVAR-EnKF Algorithm for Storm-scale Assimilation. 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper P7.4.
Harrold, M., T.L. Jensen, B.G. Brown, S.J. Weiss, P.T. Marsh, M. Xue, F. Kong, A. Clark, K.W. Thomas, J.S. Kain, M.C. Coniglio and R. Schneider, 2010: Spatial verfication of convective systems during Hazardous Weather Testbed 2010 Spring Experiment. 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper P7.9.
Jensen, T., S. Weiss, J. Kain, M. Harrold, M. Xue, F. Kong, B. Brown, P. Marsh, M. Coniglio, and R. Schneider, 2010: The Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) Objective Evaluation Performed During the Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) 2010 Spring Experiment. Extended Abstract, 11th WRF Users' Workshop, NCAR, Boulder CO.
Jirak, I. L., S. J. Weiss, C. J. Melick, P. T. Marsh, J. S. Kain, J. Clark, M. Xue, F. Kong, and K. W. Thomas, 2010: Evaluation of the performance and distribution of hourly maximum fields from storm-scale ensemble Forecasts. 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Amer. Metero. Soc., Paper 13B.3.
Johnson, A. T., X. Wang, F. Kong, and M. Xue, 2010: Object-oriented clustering analysis of CAPS convective scale ensemble forecasts for the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Experiment: A first step toward optimal ensemble configuration for convective scale probabilistic forecasting. 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 12B.1.
Marsh, P. T., J. S. Kain, S. J. Weiss, I. L. Jirak, R. A. Sobash, F. Kong, K. W. Thomas, and M. Xue, 2010: Investigating a fundamental component of a Warn-on-Forecast system in a collaborative real-time experiment. 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
Melick, C. J., I. L. Jirak, S. J. Weiss, A. J. Clar, P. T. Marsh, J. S. Kain, M. Xue, F. Kong, and K. W. Thomas, 2010: An environmental climatology of the CAPS Storm-Scale Ensemble Forecast system during the 2010 HWT Spring Experiement. 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 13B.5.
Stratman, D. R., M. C. Coniglio, and M. Xue, 2010: Using traditional and spatial verification methods to evaluate real-time model forecasts of convection. 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 13B.6.
Xue, M., F. Kong, K. W. Thomas, Y. Wang, K. Brewster, J. Gao, X. Wang, S. J. Weiss, A. J. Clark, J. S. Kain, M. C. Coniglio, J. Du, T. L. Jensen, and Y. H. Kuo, 2011: CAPS Realtime Storm Scale Ensemble and High Resolution Forecasts for the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed 2010 Spring Experiment. 24th Conf. Wea. Forecasting/20th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 9A.2.
Kong, F., M. Xue, K. W. Thomas, Y. Wang, K. A. Brewster, X. Wang, J. Gao, S. J. Weiss, A. J. Clark, J. S. Kain, M. C. Coniglio, and J. Du, 2011: CAPS Multi-Model Storm-Scale Ensemble Forecast for the NOAA HWT 2010 Spring Experiment. 24th Conf. Wea. Forecasting/20th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 457.
Barthold, F. E., M. J. Bodner, D. R. Novak, R. Bann, R. Oravec, B. Sullivan, A. R. Dean, I. L. Jirak, C. J. Melick, R. A. Sobash, A. J. Clark, F. Kong, S. J. Weiss, and M. Xue, 2011: The quantitative precipitation forecasting component of the 2010 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Experiment. 24th Conf. Wea. Forecasting/20th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 9A.4.
Clark, A. J., M. Xue, F. Kong, S. J. Weiss, I. L. Jirak, C. J. Melick, R. Sobash, P. T. Marsh, A. R. Dean, K. W. Thomas, J. S. Kain, and M. C. Coniglio, 2011: Verification of diurnal cycle characteristics in the CAPS 2010 Storm Scale Ensemble Forecast System 24th Conf. Wea. Forecasting/20th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper J19.1.
Gasperoni, N., M. Xue, R. D. Palmer, J. Gao, B. L. Cheong, and D. S. Michaud, 2011: Impact of assimilating refractivity measurements from a network of S-band and X-band radars on the forecast of convective initiation using the ARPS 3DVAR system. 15th IOAS-AOLS onf, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
Jensen, T. L., M. Harrold, S. J. Weiss, M. Xue, P. T. Marsh, F. E. Barthold, J. J. Levit, F. Kong, A. J. Clark, B. G. Brown, D. R. Novak, J. S. Kain, R. S. Schneider, and M. C. Coniglio, 2011: The Developmental Testbed Center Objective Evaluation Performed During the 2010 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Experiment 24th Conf. Wea. Forecasting/20th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 9A.6.
Johnson, A. T., X. Wang, F. Kong, and M. Xue, 2011: Object-oriented clustering analysis of CAPS convective scale ensemble forecasts for the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Experiment: A first step toward optimal ensemble configuration for convective scale probabilistic forecasting 24th Conf. Wea. Forecasting/20th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 9A.3.
Li, Y., X. Wang, and M. Xue, 2011: Assimilation of Radar Radial Velocity Data with the WRF Ensemble-3DVAR Hybrid System for the Prediction of Hurricane IKE (2008). 15th Symp. Integrated Observing Assimilation Systems Atmos. Oceans Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS) Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 542.
Michaud, D. S., R. D. Palmer, D. Bodine, P. L. Heinselman, J. Brotzge, N. A. Gasperoni, B. L. Cheong, M. Xue, and J. Gao, 2011: Understanding radar refractivity. 27th Conf. IIPS, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 11B.2.
Schenkman, A. and M. Xue, 2011: Very high-resolution prediction of tornado-like vortices in a long-lived mesovortex. 24th Conf. Wea. Forecasting/20th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 483.
Schumacher, R. S., A. J. Clark, M. Xue, and F. Kong, 2011: Evaluation of convection-allowing ensemble forecasts of extreme rainfall associated with a mesoscale vortex. 24th Conf. Wea. Forecasting/20th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 7.2.
Snook, N., M. Xue, and Y. Jung, 2011: Probabilistic prediction of low-level vortices associated with mesoscale vortex tornadoes using EnKF data assimilation and implications for warn-on-forecast 24th Conf. Wea. Forecasting/20th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 11B.4.
Stratman, D. R., M. C. Coniglio, and M. Xue, 2011: Using Traditional and Spatial Verification Methods to Evaluate Real-Time Model Forecasts of Convection. 24th Conf. Wea. Forecasting/20th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 11B.2.
Wang, S. and M. Xue, 2011: Comparison of Sequential Ensemble Square-Root Filter (EnSRF) and Four-Dimensional Asynchronous EnSRF Algorithms for the Assimilation of Simulated Radar Data 15th Symp. Integrated Observing Assimilation Systems Atmos. Oceans Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS) Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 537.
Weiss, S. J., A. J. Clark, I. L. Jirak, C. J. Melick, C. W. Siewert, R. Sobash, P. T. Marsh, A. R. Dean, M. Xue, F. Kong, K. W. Thomas, J. Du, R. S. Schneider, J. S. Kain, and M. C. Coniglio, 2011: The severe thunderstorm forecasting component of the 2010 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed spring experiment. 24th Conf. Wea. Forecasting/20th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 458.
Weiss, S. J., A. J. Clark, I. L. Jirak, C. J. Melick, C. W. Siewert, R. Sobash, P. T. Marsh, A. R. Dean, M. Xue, F. Kong, K. W. Thomas, J. Du, D. R. Novak, F. E. Barthold, M. J. Bodner, J. J. Levit, C. B. Entwistle, T. L. Jensen, R. Schneider, J. S. Kain, and M. C. Coniglio, 2011: An overview of the 2010 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed spring forecasting experiment. 24th Conf. Wea. Forecasting/20th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 9A.1.
Zhu, K., M. Xue, X. Wang, J. Whitaker, S. Benjamin, and S. S. Weygandt, 2011: An Regional Ensemble Kalman Filter Data Assimilation System Employing GSI Observation Processing and Initial Tests for Rapid Refresh Forecast Configurations 15th Symp. Integrated Observing Assimilation Systems Atmos. Oceans Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS) Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 550.
Kain, J. S., I. L. Jirak, A. J. Clark, M. C. Coniglio, S. J. Weiss, J. Correia Jr., A. R. Dean, P. T. Marsh, C. J. Melick, S. D. Miller Jr., R. Sobash, M. Xue, F. Kong, K. W. Thomas, V. Lakshmanan, D. D. Turner, D. A. Imy, and S. R. Dembek, 2012: An overview of the 2012 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Forecasting Experiment. 26th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Nashville, TN, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Paper 10.1.
Gagne II, D. J., A. McGovern, J. Brotzge, M. Coniglio, J. Correia, Jr., and M. Xue, 2015b: Day-ahead hail prediction integrating machine learning with storm-scale numerical weather models. Proceedings of the 27th Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, Austin, TX, AAAI, 3954–3960. (Referred)
Gagne II, D. J., A. McGovern, J. Brotzge, and M. Xue, 2013a: Severe hail prediction within a spatiotemporal relational data mining framework. Proceedings, 13th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), Dallas, TX, IEEE, 994–1001. (Referred)
Gagne II, D. J., A. McGovern, and M. Xue, 2012b: Machine learning enhancement of storm scale ensemble precipitation forecasts. Proceed- ings of the 2012 Conference on Intelligent Data Understanding, Boulder, CO, Computational Intelligence Society, 39–46. (Referred)
Gagne II, D. J., A. McGovern, and M. Xue, 2011b: Machine learning en- hancement of storm scale ensemble precipitation forecasts. Proceedings of 2011 Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Modeling, and Simulation, San Diego, CA, ACM, 45–46. (Referred)
Ph.D. Dissertations of Students advised
Nutter, Paul, 2003: Effects of nesting frequency and lateral boundary perturbations on the dispersion of limited-area ensemble forecasts, Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 156 pp.
Ren, D., 2004: 4DVAR Retrieval of Prognostic Land Surface Model Variables, Ph. D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 228 pp.
Hu, Ming, 2005: 3DVAR and cloud analysis with WSR-88D level-II data for the prediction of tornadic thunderstorms, Ph. D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 217 pp.
Tong, Mingjing, 2006: Ensemble Kalman filer assimilation of Doppler radar data for the initialization and prediction of convective storms, Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 243 pp.
Liu, Haixia, 2007: Analysis of GPS Slant-path Water Vapor Observations using 3DVAR with Anisotropic Filters and Their Impact on the Prediction of Convective Initiation and Precipitation, Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 188 pp.
Chunyan Sheng, 2007: Data Assimilation for North China Torrential Rain and Numerical Simulation of Orographic Heavy Rainfall (in Chinese). Ph.D. Dissertation, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 140pp.
Jung, Yongsun, 2008: State and parameter estimation using polarimetric radar data and an ensemble Kalman filter, Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 209pp
Dawson Daniel, II, 2009: Impacts of single- and multi-moment microphysics on numerical simulations of supercells and tornadoes of the 3 May 1999 Oklahoma tornado outbreak. Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma. 173pp.
Dong, Jili, 2010: Applications of Ensemble Kalman Filter Data Assimilation: From Convective Thunderstorms to Hurricanes, Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 199 pp.
Kefeng Zhu, 2010: Research and Applications of Radar Data Assimilation for the Forecasting of Convective Systems (In Chinese). Ph.D. Dissertation, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 167pp.
Snook, Nathan, 2011: Assimilation of CASA and WSR-88D Radar Data for Tornadic Convective Storms using an Ensemble Kalman Filter and Applications in Probabilistic Ensemble Forecasting, Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 195 pp.
Schenkman, Alexandar. D., 2012: Exploring tornadogenesis with high-resolution simulations initialized with real data, Ph. D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 186 pp.
Cheng, Jing, 2013: Assimilation of Attenuated Data from X-Band Network Radars using Ensemble Kalman Filter, Ph.D. Dessertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 160pp.
Zhao, G., 2013: Development of ARPS LETKF with Four Dimensional Extension and Intercomparison with ARPS EnSRF, Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 200 pp.
Li, Yongzuo, 2014: Assimilation of Radar Observations with Ensemble-Variational Hybrid Data Assimilation Method for the Initialization and Prediction of Hurricanes, Ph.D. Dessertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 133 pp.
Dahl, N. A., 2014: Coupling the Advanced Regional Prediction System and the Discrete Event Specification Fire Spread Model to Predict Wildfire Behavior, Ph.D. Dessertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma. 137pp.
Tong, Chongchi, 2015: Limitations and Potential of Complex Cloud Analysis and Its Improvement for Radar Reflectivity Data Assimilation Using OSSEs. Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 177pp.
Putnam, Bryan, 2016: The Prediction and Assimilation of Polarimetric Radar Data Using Ensemble-based Methods, Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 206pp.
Jeffery Duda, 2016: Optimal Design of a Convection-Allowing Ensemble from a Model Error Perspective School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 236 pp. (Co-advisor).
Roberts, Brett, 2017: The Role of Surface Drag in Supercell Tornadogenesis and Mesocyclogenesis: Studies based on Idealized Numerical Simulations, Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma.
Kong, Rong, 2017: Hybrid En3DVar Radar Data Assimilation and Comparisos with 3DVAR and EnKF with OSSEs and a Real Case. Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma. 192pp.
Johnson, Marcus, 2019: Assessment of One-Moment and Two-Moment Microphysics and Supectral BIN Microphysics Schemes Using Idealized Supercell Simulations and Real Data Convective-Scale Predictions, Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma.
Stratman, Derrek, 2020: , Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma.
Labriola, Jonathan, 2020: Sensitivity of Explicit Hail Predictions and Convective Scale Ensemble Forecasting to Microphysics Parameterizations and Ensemble Data Assimilatiion Configuration, Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma.
Ilha de Oliveira, Mauricio, 2021: Cyclic Tornadogenesis and Horizontal Vortex Tubes in High-Resolution Idealized Simulations of Supercells, Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma.
Other Visiting/Exchange Ph.D. Students Advised
Du, Ningzhu., Ph.D., Nanjing Uniersity of Information Science and Technology.
Wang, Shizhang, Ph.D., Nanjing Uniersity of Information Science and Technology.
Zhu, Kefeng, Ph.D., Institute of Atmospheric Physics.
Wang, Mingjun, Ph.D, Nanjing Univversity.
Xin, Xu, Ph.D., Nanjing University.
Zhuang, Xiaoran, Ph.D., Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology.
Zhang, Honglei , Ph.D. Zhejiang University.
Luo, Liping, Ph.D, Nanjing University.
Sun, Zhenqi, Ph.D., Nanjing University.
Sun, Shiwei, Ph.D., Nanjing University.
Zhang, Yuehan, Ph.D., Nanjing University.
Yang, Lan, Ph.D., Nanjing University.
Zhu, Lijian, Ph.D., Nanjing Uniersity of Information Science and Technology.
Fan, Ziqi, Ph.D., Nanjing Uniersity.
Xue, M.,
1989: A nonhydrostatic numerical model in sigmacoordinates and simulations
of mesoscale phenomena. Ph.D thesis, Dept. of Meteorology, Reading
University, 258pp.
M., and Z.-J. Zhang, 1990: ZXPLOT Graphics V. 1.1 User's Documentation.
74pp. [Available from CAPS, University of Oklahoma]
Droegemeier, K.K., M. Xue, P.V. Reid,
J. Straka, J. Bradley III, and R. Lindsay, 1991: The advanced regional
prediction system (ARPS) Version 2.0. Theoretical and numerical
formulation. Report No. I (Draft), Center for Analysis and Prediction
of Storms, University of Oklahoma, 55pp.
CAPS (main contributor) 1992: ARPS
Version 3.0 User's Guide. 183pp. [Available from Center for Analysis
and Prediction of Storms, University of Oklahoma, Norman OK 73019.
Droegemeier, K.K., M. Xue, and G.
Bassett, 1993: High-resolution simulations of the 20 May 1977 Del
City supercell storm. Color video animation, 7.5 min.
Lin, N.-T., K. Mills, Y.-C. Chen,
K. Droegemeier, and M. Xue, 1993: A message passing version of the
Advanced Regional Prediction System (mpARPS). 17 pp.
Sawdey, A., M. O'Keefe, 0. Meirhaeghe,
M. Xue, and K. Droegemeier, 1993: Conversion of the ARPS 3.0 mesoscale
weather prediction code to CM-Fortran using the Fortran-P translator.
Preprint 93-089, Army High Performance Computing Research Center,
University of Minnesota, 8 pp.