(International H2O Project) Research Group
This site provides a focal point for research and related activities
of the CAPS IHOP group.
(Notice: This site is intended for internal use only. Use of unpublished
results from this site can be only done with permission from the author(s).
Contact Dr. Ming Xue at if
you have any question)
Project Summary of NSF ATM-0129892.
Project Summary of NSF ATM-0530814.
Members of the Group
2002 IHOP Realtime Forecast
- IHOP Real time forecast page at
- CAPS Realtime Forecast
Plan in Support of IHOP 2002.
- 15th
NWP conference paper describing CAPS IHOP real time forecast efforts.
It can be referenced as
- Xue, M., K. Brewster, D. Weber, K. W. Thomas, F. Kong, and E.
Kemp, 2002: Realtime storm-scale forecast support for IHOP 2002
at CAPS. Preprint, 15th Conf. Num. Wea. Pred. and 19th Conf. Wea.
Aanl. Forecasting, San Antonio, TX, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 124-126.
- Presentation at 15th NWP Conference
- Ming Xue's Presentation
on precipitation verfication at March 2003 Boulder IHOP Science Meeting
Data for IHOP Period
Workshop and Presentations
Computing Resources and Help Page
Manuscription Preparation Resources
Publications and Reports
Updating This Web Site
Members of our IHOP group can modify files at this web site. The directory
is stratus:/home/www/html/ihop. If you create new files, make sure that
you set the group ownership of the new files to ihop, by entering
"chgrp ihop file_or_directory_name(s)", and make these files
group writable (chmod g+w filename). Password protected files should
be placed inside directory protected.