Meteorology 5344, CFD I, Spring 2000

Term Project Assignment

Dr. M. Xue


Purpose  To foster the development of investigative skills, critical thinking, and the communication of scientific results.


Basis    The project will entail an investigation of some aspect of computational fluid dynamics using the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS, see info in Homework #2) which is a general purpose nonhydrostatic weather prediction model developed at CAPS (Other models with similar capabilities can be considered with special permission). It should make use of recent scientific literature and emphasize CFD in a meteorological or related context.


Topics  You are free to choose any topic you wish, though I must approve it before you begin work. A number of possibilities are listed below ‑ please feel free to explore other topics as you desire, including those in other disciplines (e.g., hydrology, basic fluid mechanics). Your topic can be related to your thesis research but should not be taken directly from it. Original research is encouraged.


      Time integration schemes for compressible models

      Positive definite / monotonic advection for scalars

      Semi-Lagrangian advection for scalars

      Effects of computational mixing / diffusion

      Impact of subgrid-scale turbulence parameterization

      Bahaviors of lateral boundary conditions

      Radiation top boundary conditions

      Impacts of spatial resolution

      Frontal dynamics

      Baroclinic wave dynamics

      Convective and mesoscale storm dynamics

      Squall line dynamics

      Parallel plate convection

      3D thermal convection

      Land, lake and sea breeze dynamics

      Density currents and solitary waves

      PBL dynamics and turbulence

      Mesoscale cellular convection

      Gravity wave dynamics and critical layers

      Intense vortices

      Terrain‑forced flows, mountain waves, severe downslope winds

      Orographic convection

      Convective initiation

      Impacts of land surface characteristics

      One-way and two-way grid nesting, adaptive grid refinement

      Aspects of numerical versus physical stability

      Impacts of microphysical processes on cloud morphology

      Impact of cumulus parameterization on quantitative precipitation

Actual topics chosen by past students vary greatly. The following are a few examples:


A numerical study of surface friction on density currents

Elementary storm electricity in the ARPS

A study of the sensitivity of a dryline simulation to variations in surface characteristics

Simulation of a turbulent thermal with varying resolution and two turbulence models.


You get the idea.





Jan. 20 – Feb. 14 Explore topics, review literature, and discuss ideas with me. Begin learning the ARPS by running simple experiments. I will arrange a short tutorial session on using APRS if desired.


By Feb. 16       Topics approved by me


Feb. 23            1‑page proposal due. This proposal must provide a clear statement regarding the problem to be addressed, relevant questions to be examined, the methodology to be used, the relevance of the study to CFD, and perhaps anticipated results.


Apr. 5              Submit first draft of report to me. Length is restricted to 12 double‑spaced pages which include at most 2 pages of figures and an abstract. The bibliography will be counted separately. Neatness is a must!


Apr. 7              Each student will receive two reports for anonymous peer review. The critiques will focus on content, scientific approach, writing style, clarity of explanation, and degree of completeness. See Review Guidelines.


Apr. 14            Submit peer reviews to me.


Apr. 17            Peer reviews distributed to authors.


Apr. 24            Response to reviewers and final version due. Your response must address, or rebut, the comments contained in the peer reviews. A point‑by‑point response is required.


Meteorology 5344, Spring 2000

Computational Fluid Dynamics I


Term Project Timetable and Review



Final Timetable for Term Project


Wednesday, April 5                        First drafts are due by 5:00 pm.

Friday, April 7                        Each person receives 2 papers to review.

Friday, April 14                        Typed reviews due bv the end of class

Monday, April 17                        Reviews distributed to authors

Monday, April 24                        Response to the reviews and final revised paper due by 5 pm.


Review Guidelines


Your reviews WILL BE ANONYMOUS and should be limited to one typewritten page. Begin by providing a brief summary of your general impressions (e.g., the paper was very interesting but poorly written, etc), followed by specific comments and suggestions that reference the appropriate page and paragraph number in the original manuscript. Your review should consider the points listed below, along with any others you might deem appropriate.


1. Overall ‑ Is the paper clearly written and does it employ correct grammatical structures? Is the paper well‑organized, with each paragraph containing only one principal thought that leads logically to the next?


2. Introduction/Motivation ‑ Has the author motivated the reader by providing relevant background information and a clear indication of the project's goals and relevance?


3. Main body of report ‑ Does the report clearly describe the methodology of the experiments, the principal findings, and any relationships between this study and others? Are the figures appropriate and clearly explained? Are the techniques used appropriate for the problem at hand? Do errors in logic exist? Are the explanations vague or ambiguous? Would you be able, after reading the paper, to explain what you've learned to someone else?


4. Summary/Conclusions ‑ Are the results summarized in a coherent manner and tied together? Do the conclusions follow from the discussion and are they justified?


5. Rating of the Paper ‑ Rate the paper as: excellent very good good fair poor.


Your grade for this project is based upon:

a. The first draft of your paper (which should be polished) (30%) b. Your reviews of two other papers (20%) c. Your response to the two reviews of your paper (20%) d. The final revised version of your paper (30%).